January 2025

2025 details will be released soon 

We're ready to lace up our boots for an adventure...are you?

What better way to kick off another Scouting year, than with our annual challenge hike? Yes, we're back, and we can't wait to welcome you on an adventure in and around Sherwood Forest. We have walks tailored for all sections so check out our offering and register your group for an event like no other!

Our Walks

Beaver & Squirrel Ramble

The Beaver and Squirrel ramble is open to all Beaver and Squirrel Scouts. The walk length is approximately 1.5 miles and stays within the grounds of Walesby Forest. The event is open to teams of up to a maximum of 20 and must include at least Three Adults

1.5 miles

More information

Cub Ramble

The Cub ramble is open to all Cub Scouts. The walk length is between 4 and 5 miles in length and explores the surrounding countryside. The event is open to teams of up to a maximum of 20 and must include at least three adults

4-5 miles

More information

The Challenge Walk

The Challenge Walk is open to all Scouts, Explorers, Guides, Senior Section, Network Units, other recognised youth organisations and leader teams. Teams of between 4 and 8 participants will hike through the night taking in a series of bases and challenges along the way. The challenge walk is offered in two lengths, the shorter walk of approximately 10 miles, and the longer walk of approximately 18 miles.
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10 miles


18 miles

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