All walkers are to assemble at Walesby Forest and have their equipment checked at their allotted booking in time. If you are camping, then please leave plenty of time to pitch your tent before booking in.
Tally Cards will be issued to each walker for identification purposes and will be checked and clipped at each checkpoint. On arrival at a checkpoint, it is the responsibility of each team member to ensure that the Marshall clips their Tally Card - check in first then eat.
Any team member who wishes to retire must do so at a checkpoint where ever possible. Transportation will be provided to take you back to the Walesby Forest site. Group leaders are not permitted to pick up walkers from checkpoints or anywhere on the route.
Whilst we do not prescribe a specific route to follow between the checkpoints - there may be times where you are instructed to follow a specific route. This will be told verbally at the previous checkpoint - along with signed with arrows where possible.
If, in the opinion of the organisers, a walker is considered unfit to continue, then they will be asked to retire at that checkpoint.
All walkers will be asked to complete a Full Medical Form giving details of any medical conditions, medication, doctor details and home contact information. This form must be completed online and submitted a week before the event. Medical Form contents are confidential and will be destroyed once the event is completed.
All walkers are advised to download the ‘What3words’ app to their smartphones via the app store or google store which can be used to confirm your location to 3m2 in the event of an emergency (Optional).
Finally - in all matters, the organisers' decision is final.